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6 Amazing Steps to Fix Norton Error 8504, 101 and 104 [with Video Tutorial]


Are you experiencing Norton error 8504 on your device? Don’t worry, you are not alone!

Often, people remain clueless about what causes such errors. We have done meticulous research about the problem that makes us eligible to provide the necessary solution on this issue.

But, before moving ahead with the solution let us first explain to you what exactly is this error code 8504 and the reasons behind it.

What Makes Norton Error 8505 104 To Display On Your Computer Screen?

First of all, we’d like to share that Norton error 8504 104 is a critical concern. So, you must take it seriously.



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There is no single reason that results in Norton error 8504 in your system. A variety of critical or general reasons may lead to this issue. Let us look at each one of them.

  • One of the primary causes is the installation of Norton antivirus software in a system having a pre-installed antivirus product.
  • Another common reason is incomplete installation or failure of processes.
  • Sometimes when you attempt Norton antivirus to its latest version, but the entire process turns into a failure due to a technical error. It may result in Norton error 8504 104 in your device.

These are some of the major reasons for Norton error code 8504 104 in your device. Next, we shall discuss the different types of Norton error 8504 that may occur. If you need assistance on Norton setup please visit


Norton Error 8504: What Are The Different Types?

Now, let us look at a situation. There is a possibility that you may not be experiencing Norton error 8504. Although, the prompt screen of your device has 8504 in the inbox. Confusing, right?

It may be due to the fact that Norton error 8504 104 consists of different types. Also, some other errors are somewhat similar to Norton error 8504 104. These are:

  • Norton error 8504 0
  • Error 8504 5
  • Norton error 8504 and 104
  • Error 8504 and 100
  • Norton error message 8504 102
  • Error 8504 106
  • Norton Error Code 8504 101

You may encounter any one of these Norton errors on your device. In some cases, a user may experience more than one Norton error at a time. But, there is a solution for everything! We are now going to shed some light on all the possible ways that will help your resolve these errors.

Fix Norton Error Code 8504 104: Here’s How!

By now you must be curious about learning the procedure to fix error 8504, and all the other errors. Stay with us, as we are going to explain everything in this blog.

Before you move ahead make sure that your Norton account is currently working. Along with that, it is important to have an activated Norton product. Keep a check on both of these points as it will help you in resolving the error with ease.

Let us now look at the procedure to fix Norton errors 8504 and 104 to keep your system running smoothly.

Step 1: Eliminate All Other Antivirus Products From Your Device

  • It is crucial to ensure that your device is free from any other software or products concerning device security and protection. This makes the process hassle-free as the Norton antivirus software does not show up if there is other antivirus software installed on your device.
  • Next, click on“Win + R” and then type “appwiz.cpl”. Then, press “Enter”.
  • As you do that, a new window will appear on the screen. You will then be able to view the entire list of programs that are already installed in your system.
  • Now you need to choose the Antivirus or Free Security tool. Then, click on the option to Uninstall or Remove Program.
  • Then move ahead to remove the program by following the on-screen instructions as they appear.
  • Once the installation process finishes, just restart your computer system.

Step 2: Put Norton Remove And Reinstall Tool In Use

  • Do the smart work and use Norton Remove and Reinstall Tool instead of the complex task of one by one checking the list and removing the software.
  • You can simply visit Norton’s official website and download the tool from there.
  • After downloading it to your device, open the download folder. Then, install the Norton Remove and Reinstall Tool.
  • Once the installation is complete, go to the “advanced” option and then select “Remove Only” from the options.
  • Finally, click on the “Remove” tab. Then, restart your computer system.

Step 3: Updating The Graphics Card

  • There is a high possibility that your graphics card could conflict with the Norton antivirus software. If that happens, it may result in Norton errors 8504 and 104. Hence, it is crucial to update the graphics driver on your device.
  • To update the graphics driver, first, go to the “My Computer” and right-click on it. Then, click on “Manage”, and go to the “Device Manager”. After that, either click on “Display Adapters” or you may try the shortcut way. Click on “Win + R”, and then enter “devmgmt.dsc”, and then click on “Enter”.
  • Make sure to double click on “Display Adapters”. After that, right-click on the “HD Graphics Card” option.
  • Select Update Driver Software.
  • Then, restart your computer system and then check your device again.

Step 4: Updating The Device Drivers In Your System

Another common reason for the Norton autofix error 8504 is obsolete system drivers. Hence, it is essential to check and confirm that the drivers in your computer system are updated.

Although your device remains connected to the internet majority of the time, system drivers require to be updated manually. If the drivers are outdated, then it leads to some serious errors.

Hence, it is advisable to update the drivers and avoid any such error in your computer system.

The technical experts suggest using driver update tools, such as Driver Doc. This makes the entire process easy and quick.

Step 5: Windows Installation

You need to monitor your device carefully to check if the Windows OS is displaying lags or errors. This often happens when there is an outdated or corrupt operating system running on your device. It then results in Norton error 8504.

The easiest way to troubleshoot this issue is by installing a fresh operating system. Afterward, you shall try to fix the problem. This method works really well for Norton error 8504.

Step 6: Norton AutoFix Tool To The Rescue!

If you have tried all the methods explained in this blog, but the error does not seem to be fixed, here we have another way.

This is when Norton AutoFix Tool comes into the picture! You can put this tool in use to remove Norton error 8504. To download the tool, visit the official website of Norton where you will find Norton AutoFix Tool.

As you download Norton AutoFix Tool, run it in your system and then follow the instructions as they appear on your screen. The tool effectively detects the error and fixes it in no time. The best part is, you do not need to handle it manually. The tool is capable of performing the entire procedure on its own.

All these methods successfully work on fixing Norton autofix error 8504 and 104. In case the issue persists; you can get in touch with the technical experts at Norton. They are available all day long to help out customers when they need support.

Norton autofix Error 8504 (Video Guide)

YouTube video

Frequently Asked Questions about Norton Error 8504

How do I fix Norton Security Error 8504 104?

This error occurs when there is another security application on your PC or a failed install while update/upgrade to a newer version.

Norton autofix error 8504 and 101

Try to remove the non-Norton product and restart the computer.

What is Norton Internet Security error 8504 and 100?

To resolve this issue you’ll have to run Norton RnR tool, and uninstall the Norton product completely, restart the computer and install Norton again.

How to solve “Norton 360 premier has encountered an error 8504”?

This problem comes when you have any other security or due to a failed install while upgrading to a new version.

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Final Words

Norton antivirus software is a popular choice in the market. It is a highly reliable option for businesses and individuals for protecting themselves in the cyber world. Norton is available with a variety of security products that amplifies your internet security factor. The customers may face different types of errors while using its internet protection tools. Norton error 8504 is one such error. You can easily fix this by following our thorough guide and enjoy a seamless experience while running your devices.

Quick Links: Norton Login / Norton My Account / Norton Refund / Norton VPN Not Working / Norton Setup /

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