Do you want to uninstall McAfee antivirus safely from Mac? Then you are reading the right article.
How to Uninstall McAfee Antivirus from Mac?
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We can remove McAfee antivirus using two different methods – Either by removing McAfee through the terminal or removing McAfee through the app cleaner. Here we will discuss the McAfee through the app cleaner.
Steps to remove McAfee Security from Mac
- Mac comes with a preloaded app cleaner or uninstaller tool to clean any application from the Mac system
- This tool will clean the application completely. You will get the trial version for 7 days.
- Go to the dock and search for the application folder and double click on it for launching it
- Follow the guidelines to continue the process. Select the McAfee related tabs and uninstall it completely
- This app uninstaller will allow you to enable, disable and remove the extensions and McAfee extension tabs
- Also, check the safari in your Mac and remove the McAfee extension as well.
If you are still facing the issue, call the customer care department.
Quick links: McAfee Refund / McAfee Login / / McAfee activate 25 digit code
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