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Uninstall McAfee Security from Computer

Uninstall McAfee Security from Computer

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If you are looking to uninstall McAfee security software from your computer, please find below steps:

Uninstall McAfee from Windows 10 or 8

  • First of all close all the McAfee program windows then open the programs and features section
  • List the McAfee Internet Security / McAfee total protection / McAfee security scan plus and then uninstall the program. Follow the guidelines to complete the process and restart the computer.


Remove McAfee Scan Plus from Windows 7 and Vista

  • You need to close all the McAfee open program windows
  • Go to start then search the programs and features section then double click on the programs and features
  • Choose the McAfee Internet Security or McAfee Security Scan Plus
  • Uninstall the program using guidelines

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If you are using Windows XP

  • First, close all the McAfee programs and go to start
  • Open the control panel and select Add or remove programs
  • Choose the McAfee internet security or McAfee total protection and remove the programs using instructions

Uninstall McAfee Security from Mac OS

  • Go to the finder, and select the applications,
  • Double click on the uninstaller McAfee internet security and check the box in Uninstall site advisor.
  • Continue the process and enter the computer admin password, finish the process.

How to do mcafee login on official website and mcafee reinstall process.


Using McAfee Uninstall tool

If you want to uninstall the McAfee program using the MCPR tool, follow the steps:

  • Go to the official website of the McAfee and download the MCPR tool
  • Save it on your local drive and double click on the MCPR.exe
  • Click the yes option in user account control
  • Follow the guidelines to remove the McAfee program from your system to accept the license agreement. If you get prompt for administrator user name and password, enter the value and click on next.
  • Once the process is complete, you will get a message on screen – Cleanup Successful and restart the computer. McAfee’s product will be removed entirely from your system.


Watch Video Guide to Remove McAfee Completely

YouTube video

Quick links: McAfee Refund / McAfee Login / /

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