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How to Uninstall McAfee from your Computer?

How to Uninstall McAfee from your Computer
When customers purchase any computer or laptop, trial versions of security products like McAfee were already installed on their machine. When these trail versions are expired, then you may start facing issues and pop-ups. Sometimes you might have already purchased the different product or sometimes you want to install any free security software. Let us discuss how to uninstall the McAfee from your computer.

How to Uninstall McAfee from your Computer?

There are three ways to uninstall this McAfee from your machine.



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Using the Windows control panel

  • Go to start and click on the control panel
  • Select the option of add or remove programs
  • Find out the McAfee product listing and click on it
  • Click on change/remove option
  • You may get a pop-up with a warning message
  • Click on remove button and follow the steps to complete this removal process

Once the complete process is done, you need to restart the computer

How Do I Uninstall McAfee LiveSafe from Windows 10

Using McAfee product removal tool

McAfee security software gives you one utility called a McAfee product removal tool.
  • First, visit McAfee official site and log in with your credentials
  • Download the McAfee product removal tool
  • Once you download the .exe file, double click on it
  • Follow the steps to complete the process
  • After complete process, it will prompt you to restart your computer
After restart now your system is free from McAfee security software

Using C drive

  • Open your system ‘C’ drive (where you have operating system main files)
  • Click on programs files folder
  • Find the McAfee folder
  • Select the McAfee folder and press Shift+Delete
  • Confirm, yes
  • Restart your system
After restart, your system is free from McAfee.

How to Remove McAfee Software from a Windows PC

YouTube video

Quick links: McAfee Refund / McAfee Login / / McAfee activate 25 digit code

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