How long does a McAfee refund take

McAfee to Refund Customers Following CMA Auto-Renew Probe
Long-term antivirus software users were paid greater fees than new clients, according to an investigation. McAfee is being forced to refund customers following a Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) investigation into its auto-renewal scheme. Since November 2018, the watchdog has been investigating subscription contracts supplied by the antivirus software and online video game industries in…

How Do I Contact Official McAfee?
How do I contact McAfee UK McAfee customer service is available 24×7 and you can contact McAfee through Email, Chat, Calling on Tollfree, visit the official website, get in touch with social media on – Twitter, Facebook, youtube etc. Contact McAfee on Twitter McAfee Contact McAfee Customer Service Subscription Renewal Frequently Asked Questions Account related…